Modelling syntectonic sedimentation: Combining a discrete element model of tectonic deformation and a process-based sedimentary model in 3D

A. Carmona, R. Clavera-Gispert, O. Gratacós, S. Hardy

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

8 Cites (Scopus)


This paper presents a new numerical program able to model syntectonic sedimentation. The new model combines a discrete element model of the tectonic deformation of a sedimentary cover and a process-based model of sedimentation in a single framework. The integration of these two methods allows us to include the simulation of both sedimentation and deformation processes in a single and more effective model. The paper describes briefly the antecedents of the program, Simsafadim-Clastic and a discrete element model, in order to introduce the methodology used to merge both programs to create the new code. To illustrate the operation and application of the program, analysis of the evolution of syntectonic geometries in an extensional environment and also associated with thrust fault propagation is undertaken. Using the new code, much more complex and realistic depositional structures can be simulated together with a more complex analysis of the evolution of the deformation within the sedimentary cover, which is seen to be affected by the presence of the new syntectonic sediments.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)519-534
Nombre de pàgines16
RevistaMathematical Geosciences
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de jul. 2010
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