Menstruation, maternity, motherhood, and menopause: milestones that shape women’s careers and work experiences

Rebecca Mitchell, Anna Carmella Ocampo, Kerry Sherman, Jun Gu

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreCapítolAvaluat per experts


In this entry, we synthesize research investigating how reproductive transitions in women’s lives—menstruation, maternity, motherhood, and menopause—direct their career trajectories and work experiences. These reproductive milestones are unique, inherent, and almost universally encountered by women regardless of their career stage and status. Despite growing efforts to understand the experiences of women in the workforce, discussions relating to their reproductive health remain a taboo and unresolved topic. We therefore present key psychological implications that are particular to the reproductive transitions that women experience. In addition, we highlight how prevailing societal attitudes towards working women can facilitate or impede their success. Ultimately, our aim is two-fold: to generate scholarly attention linking women’s reproductive transitions with their organizational life, and to encourage leaders to establish workplaces that are responsive to women’s reproductive health and rights.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióElgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology
EditorEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Nombre de pàgines3
ISBN (electrònic)9781035313389
ISBN (imprès)9781035313372
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2024


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