Managing the degree of hybridity: The Evolutionary process of the embeddedness of subordinate logic

Suhyon Oh, L. Hehenberger

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribucióAvaluat per experts


This article explores the complex evolution of balanced hybridization in a state-owned development finance institution with a multifaceted mandate
encompassing environmental and social impact, revenue generation, and national policy implementation. Through a single case study of a European national
DFI, longitudinal data is analyzed from inception to present to investigate shifts in hybridity and organizational responses. Findings reveal that when a
development logic as the subordinate logic gains prominence due to external institutional demands, the initial organizational response leans against the
subordinate logic such as compromise or manipulation. However, as the subordinate logic gradually attains acceptance within the organization, the
organization shifts towards a positive stance, aiming for a balanced hybridization. The resulting organizational identity reflects this equilibrium, showcasing a
dynamic interplay between logics at field and organizational levels. The research offers novel insights into the mechanisms of change within hybrid
organizations, particularly those that seek to enhance their positive socio-environmental impact, shedding light on how these entities adapt and thrive in an ever-
evolving context
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPresentada - 13 d’ag. 2024
Esdeveniment2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting - Chicago, United States
Durada: 8 d’ag. 202413 d’ag. 2024


Conferència2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
País/TerritoriUnited States


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