Logistics management and strategy: Competing through the supply chain

Alan Stuart Harrison, Remko Van Hoek

Producció científica: Llibre


A concise, applied and strategic introduction to the subject of logistics and supply-chain management, perfect for modern managers and students of logistics and supply-chain management. Logistics and supply-chain management continue to transform the competitive landscape and have become one of today's key business issues. This third edition of Logistics Management and Strategy continues to take a practical, integrated and international approach to logistics and includes the very latest research to reflect the innovative and exciting developments in this subject area. Every chapter features case studies with study questions, activities and end-of-chapter discussion questions to help students explore logistical concepts in operational detail.
Idioma originalAnglès
Nombre de pàgines316
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de nov. 2007
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