L'extension de la convention d'arbitrage aux parties non signataires: analyse de la doctrine de la cour internationale d'arbitrage de la CCI au regard de la jurisprudence française et espagnole

Juan Pablo Correa Delcasso

Producció científica: Article en revista no indexadaArticle


In this study, the author analyzes the main decisions that the ICC International Arbitration Court has rendered in relation to parties that did not initially execute an arbitration agreement. It discusses a selection of the most significant decisions which in the opinion of the author show the course taken by the case law of this Arbitration Court over recent years, and concludes with an analys is of the main court rulings that have considered this case law to decide on an appeal to render invalidan award rendered by this renowned Arbitration Court.
Idioma originalAnglès
Publicació especialitzadaCivil Procedure Review
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de maig 2011
Publicat externament


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