Learning from subsidiaries: A knowledge exchange in international firms for better performance? Case analysis from Spanish firms in China

Simon Landau Dolan, Yingying Zhang Zhang

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


Under the question of learning in international business, especially in relationships between headquarters and subsidiaries, literatures on learning and knowledge management is reviewed, with extension to strategic international human resource management. Research questions are addressed with qualitative comparative cases of Spanish firms in China performed. The result of study highlights the relevance of learning from subsidiary in China, given its complexity and turbulence in the market. Propositions are generated for further research, with limitation discussed.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 7 de nov. 2007
EsdevenimentAIB 2007 Annual Meeting -
Durada: 25 de juny 20079 de nov. 2007


ConferènciaAIB 2007 Annual Meeting


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