La desaparición de la clase media en España

A. Laborda Coronil, Mas GordoaCristina

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The initial goal of this article was to quantify the middle class in Spain, using the methodology of the multidimensional cluster, for what a few previous steps ' main components and conventional cluster analysis ' should be done. Performed the previous steps, in this first part of the study, interesting conclusions have been obtained. Four factors have been found with regard to the part of main components and sets the hypothesis, for one of them, of their relationship with the structures of expenditure according to the cycle of life of households. In terms of conventional cluster analysis, this leads us to say that four types of households, can differentiate while two of them would be related, except for the variable age, and they would fit in what would be "high class" or "class medium - high", while the large group of "low-class" suppose (hypothesis) that include the possible "middle class" and that traditional cluster analysis is not sufficient to discriminate it. Thus we also extract a methodological conclusion and it is the use of the methodology of multivariate cluster appears as a necessary step to complete the study.
Idioma originalCastellà
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2 de jul. 2015
EsdevenimentXI Jornadas de Economía Laboral 2015 -
Durada: 2 de jul. 20153 de jul. 2015


ConferènciaXI Jornadas de Economía Laboral 2015

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