La atención a la diversidad en la educación secundaria obligatoria: Valoraciones de los profesionales

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticle de revisió (sistemàtica)Avaluat per experts

5 Cites (Scopus)


The aim of this research is to analyze the evolution of attention to diversity in Catalonia in the last decade on the basis of the opinions of different professionals in the world of education. The research, of a qualitative nature, was designed as a case study. Respondents were selected for their particular link to the Catalan educational system. Results show that the policies to make possible a model of inclusive schools have not been introduced clearly and resolutely. Likewise, a clear will to promote a school where everyone can work together has not been created among teachers. The way towards educational inclusion is long and requires different professional profiles to work together in the creation of a network of support and resources to facilitate quality schooling.

Títol traduït de la contribucióAttention to diversity in compulsory secondary education: The professional' perspectives
Idioma originalCastellà
Pàgines (de-a)451-468
Nombre de pàgines18
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de maig 2012


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