"Knowing" in the consulting practice: Exploring knowledge, people, context and tasks in action

M. Bou Alameda, A. Sauquet Rovira

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


In recent years, the practitioner and academic communities have placed considerable attention on the study and management of knowledge in organisations. Although the study of knowledge has been sustained by different theoretical trends, two main discourses are becoming consolidated in the knowledge management (KM) domain. The first discourse, which is based on knowledge, reflects what Tsoukas (1996) refers to as a "taxonomic perspective", emphasising types and characteristics of knowledge.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 6 de jul. 2006
Esdeveniment22nd EGOS Colloquium -
Durada: 6 de jul. 20068 de jul. 2006


Conferència22nd EGOS Colloquium


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