Integrating strategic commitment and stakeholder responsiveness in a dynamic framework of Corporate Social Responsibility change

Itziar Castelló Molina, Josep Maria Lozano Soler

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


This article proposes a conceptualization of the different postures towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) adopted by business. We define a new view of CSR that combines the degree of responsiveness to social issues and the level of their strategic commitment to come up with a three model postures of strategic CSR: risk management, integrative and civic CSR. The article further develops the last stage: civic, in order to clarify and integrate various definitional strands and help companies and academics in thinking about transformational change in CSR and future challenges. The model pretends to articulate the key questions of how to develop a strategic CSR that will be useful to academics and managers alike. Combining theory and 7 business examples, the article can help managers conceptualize their firms' CSR evolution and systematize thinking about the way they are making sense of the integration of CSR in their strategy.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 11 de set. 2008
EsdevenimentEABIS 7th Annual Colloquium -
Durada: 10 de set. 200812 de set. 2008


ConferènciaEABIS 7th Annual Colloquium


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