Integrated green supply chain management and operational performance

Wantao Yu, Roberto Chavez, Mengying Feng, F. Wiengarten

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

205 Cites (Scopus)


Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to extend previous green supply chain management (GSCM) research by developing and empirically testing a conceptual framework that investigates the relationships between three dimensions of integrated green supply chain management (iGSCM) and multiple dimensions of operational performance.

Design/methodology/approach - The study is based on survey data collected from 126 automotive manufacturers in China. The relationships between theoretical constructs are analysed using structural equation modelling.

Findings - This study generates important findings of the significant and positive relationships between iGSCM (internal GSCM, GSCM with customers and GSCM with suppliers) and operational performance in terms of flexibility, delivery, quality and cost.

Practical implications - It is important for managers to simultaneously consider internal GSCM and GSCM with customers and suppliers when implementing environmental sustainability in the supply chains. Overlooking either internal GSCM or external GSCM may hinder their efforts to improve operational performance.

Originality/value - This study contributes to the literature by defining iGSCM that combines three main dimensions, namely, internal GSCM, GSCM with customers and GSCM with suppliers, and empirically testing its impact on multiple operational performance dimensions.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)683-696
Nombre de pàgines14
RevistaSupply Chain Management: An International Journal
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2 de set. 2014


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