IMB Barcelona Lab

Xavier Busquets Carretero, Joan Ramon Mallart Coch

Producció científica: Estudi de cas


This is a Spanish version. This video is to accompany the case '909-017-1'. The abstract of the case is as follows: This case focuses on strategic decision making and innovation. IBM Barcelona Lab is considered a world reference in banking industry innovation for its 25 years' experience in the field. The case explores the concept of innovation and reinvention (resilience) focusing on: (1) open business models; (2) organising for innovation in multinationals; and (3) open software-based communities. Created by a small group of engineers in 1984, IBM Barcelona Lab successfully developed a turnkey project to introduce PCs into bank branches. In 2005, over 1,500 banks were using this product worldwide and 1,500,000 software licences had been purchased. Due to the 1993 IBM crisis, the Lab reinvented itself as a Lab 'open to customers', expanding its operations worldwide and creating an open business model. The case ends in 2005 by asking students to decide the Lab's future and assess banking trends, core capacities, offshoring policies and the tensions between local and global operations. The case has been written for strategic innovation and technology management and comes with a 25-minute DVD in Spanish (English subtitles), containing interviews with IBM Barcelona Lab executives. The case was awarded the Ruth Green Memorial Case Award for best case written outside the USA and Canada by the North American Case Research Association in 2006.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de jul. 2009


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