Hakuna matata! Cross-regional differences in the entrepreneurial capital of family firms

Nonyelum Lina Eze, M. Parada, Samara Georges

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


By utilizing the perspectives of 27 interviewees from family businesses embedded in three sub-national regions of a developing country, we explore how regional cultural background of families explains heterogeneity in their endowed entrepreneurial capital (EC). We draw on Nordqvist & Melin's framework for entrepreneurship and family business as an organizing framework and chalk out its various sub-dimensions and their differential effects on EC across regions. This research contributes to understanding how informal institutions influence entrepreneurial capital and explains why significant variations in regional development exist within a perceived homogeneous institutional setting.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 3 d’abr. 2019
Esdeveniment4th International Family Business Research Forum (IFBRF 2019) -
Durada: 3 d’abr. 20195 d’abr. 2019


Conferència4th International Family Business Research Forum (IFBRF 2019)


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