Fuzzy Marketing: cómo comprender al consumidor camaleónico

Mónica Casabayó Bonás, Francisco de Borja Martin Garreta

Producció científica: Llibre


"Like all absolute rulers, the new consumers do whatever they want and are unpredictable, and the traditional analysis of their behaviour is entirely useless. [...] This new book by Dr. Mònica Casabayó and Borja Martín is essential, and we celebrate it enthusiastically, because it abandons the traditional and now obsolete analysis of segmentation, which we have always known to be little more than fiction". Fernando Rodés, President of the Havas Group. "We are seeing new consumers that change as quickly as their environment. With Fuzzy Marketing, Mònica Casabayó and Borja Martín offer an innovative approach that allows marketing professionals to identify and understand these new 21st-century consumers. It is, without a doubt, an essential book". Fernando Trias de Bes, writer and lecturer at ESADE Business School.
Idioma originalAnglès
Nombre de pàgines223
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de gen. 2010


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