Fozy in China: Cultural factors

C. Folguera Bellmunt, Yingying Zhang Zhang

Producció científica: Estudi de cas


The case describes the internationalisation of Fozy Group in China, explaining its successful results since the beginning of the joint venture. However, this achievement has not been problem-free, but needed hard work and constant mutual adaptation. After detailing the evolution of Fozy Group and its internationalisation process, the case focuses on their operations in China, the formation of the joint venture with Fozychi, and prospects of their further corporate culture development. In particular, the case narrates the first encounters of the European and Chinese partners, how trust was built between them, how they elaborated the business plan, as well as aspects such as organisational structure, personnel exchange and communication, branding, services and self-realisation, and human resources. This case was written with the support of a Philip Law Scholarship awarded by ecch.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de març 2011


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