Financial regulation after GameStop: The game will go on!

Producció científica: Una altra contribucióBlog


The Covid-19 crisis came at the end of more than two decades that witnessed a significant transformation of financial markets with main catalysts such as financial innovation, technology adoption, and financial regulations. The 2020 stock market's roller coaster (record price levels and volatility) exposed the financial system's fragility. This year, the increased volatility in so-called 'meme' stocks - i.e., stocks whose trading volume increases not because of the company's good performance, but because of hype on social media, has highlighted several problems in financial markets. Although seemingly unimportant, the risk that these events could pose to the entire financial system opens the door for discussions on the implementation of new regulations (or the improvement of older ones).
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de juny 2021


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