Family involvement as a priority element for an educational action based on dialogic learning

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreContribució a congrés/conferènciaAvaluat per experts


In our society, there is a need for a critical reflection on education and the tasks to be developed by every agent. The family and school are the two main socializing settings of children and adolescents and, therefore, their joint responsibility in their education is a commitment that should be established in an atmosphere of confidence and harmony in order to tend towards a learning community model based on dialogic learning. Many research works, as those by Pineault ([2001]), Martínez and Álvarez ([2006]) and Garreta ([2008]), back that the parents' participation in school life has beneficial consequences for the family-school dynamics, such as: free-flowing relationships between parents and teachers; more collaborative attitudes of parents concerning the educational centre; positive assessment of teachers; higher self-esteem in children and adolescents; increase in academic performance; and greater commitment towards the environment. Nevertheless, reality is still far from this model. In this research, the participation of families in state Compulsory Secondary Education schools is analysed, and some elements of reflection and working tools are presented to enhance and promote family involvement. Data were obtained from a questionnaire, especially designed for this study, which was filled in by 1388 families from the province of Barcelona; and from interviews with 21 chairpersons of parents' associations. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out. Finally, from the combination of results, some conclusions were drawn, which resulted in guidelines to improve family participation in Compulsory Secondary Education schools.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióTechnology Enhanced Learning
Subtítol de la publicacióQuality of Teaching and Educational Reform - First International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, Proceedings
Nombre de pàgines7
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2010
Esdeveniment1st International Conference on Reforming Education, Quality of Teaching and Technology-Enhanced Learning: Learning Technologies, Quality of Education, Educational Systems, Evaluation, Pedagogies, TECH-EDUCATION 2010 - Athens, Greece
Durada: 19 de maig 201021 de maig 2010

Sèrie de publicacions

NomCommunications in Computer and Information Science
Volum73 CCIS
ISSN (imprès)1865-0929


Conferència1st International Conference on Reforming Education, Quality of Teaching and Technology-Enhanced Learning: Learning Technologies, Quality of Education, Educational Systems, Evaluation, Pedagogies, TECH-EDUCATION 2010


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