Estudio comparativo de las huellas plantares en jóvenes con síndrome de Down

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

6 Cites (Scopus)



 Musculoskeletal disorders of the locomotive apparatus are common in young people with Down syndrome (DS), especially in the feet. Early diagnosis by examination of podiatric footprints can help prevent orthopaedic symptoms. Our objective was to analyze, measure and classify footprints on the basis of podiatric indices (gold standard) in young people with DS. 


Cross-sectional study; 86 footprints were analyzed from 2 groups; there were 21 healthy subjects, 11 men 20.45 (2.16) years and 10 females 20.00 (1.70) years; and 22 subjects with DS, 11 men 23.82 (3.12) years and 11 females 24.82 (6.81) years. Footprints were recorded in standing position using an optical pedoscope and a digital camera system. We calculated the Hernández-Corvo index, Chippaux-Smirak index, Clarke's angle and Stahelli index. We then compared the results of both samples and analyzed the concordance between types of feet and right and left feet by Chi-square test.


Footprints in individuals with DS showed flatfoot and/or pronated foot of 38.6% according to Hernández-Corvo index; 50%, to Chippaux-Smirak; 70.4%, to Stahelli; and 59.1%, to Clarke's angle. In healthy subjects the rates of cavus foot were 57.1%, according to Hernández-Corvo index; 59.5%, to Chippaux-Smirak index; and 81%, to Stahelli index; while 57.1% showed a normal foot based on Clarke's angle. Differences between the 2 groups were statistically significant (P <.01) in Chippaux-Smirak index, Stahelli index and Clarke's angle. The correlation between the right and left foot was not significant.


Young people with DS had a higher percentage of pronation and a lower percentage of cavus foot than the control group.

Títol traduït de la contribucióComparative study of plantar footprints in youth with Down syndrome
Idioma originalCastellà
Pàgines (de-a)36-42
Nombre de pàgines7
RevistaSD Revista Medica Internacional sobre el Sindrome de Down
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2015


  • Clinical classification
  • Down syndrome
  • Footprint
  • Gold standard
  • Podometric indexes


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