Enterprising business families: Developing a business group

Discua CruzAllan, M. Parada, Pihkala Timo, Rautiainen Marita

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


This paper focuses on the development of family business groups, and especially on the role of the enterprising family in the group development. From enterprising family perspective, we have identified two streams of literature, both commenting on the development of family business. First, transgenerational entrepreneurship has been defined as "processes through which a family uses and develops entrepreneurial mindset and family influenced capabilities to create new streams of entrepreneurial, financial and social value across generations" (Habbershon, et al. 2010, p. 1). Following this perspective, the development of family business groups could be analyzed as activities that seek to ascertain the continuity of family control, business growth and family wealth in the group. As a result, the enterprising family may start developing the family business group as a structure for the ownership of businesses.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 19 de juny 2019
EsdevenimentInternational Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA 2019) -
Durada: 19 de juny 201921 de juny 2019


ConferènciaInternational Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA 2019)


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