Elastomeric Textile Substrates to Design a Compact, Low–Profile AMC based Antenna for Medical and IoT Applications

Amit Baran Dey, Sagar Kumar, Wasim Arif, Jaume Anguera

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

16 Cites (Scopus)


A neoteric, compact, low–profile, wide–band elastomeric textile antenna for medical and IoT applications is presented. The design synthesis of flexible AMC integrated antenna is done using stratum of textile and operates within 4.76–6.08 GHz covering the 5.8GHz industrial, scientific, medical (ISM) and 5GHz Wi-Fi band for IoT applications. The rectangular fed design operates in the high frequency band which is widened and optimized to operate in the lower 5GHz band and the notch etched with the monopole’s edges, suppress the cross-polarization component. The suggested design features an impedance bandwidth of 24.4% with a high gain of 10.59dBi and has a compact footprint of 1.44λ0× 0.46λ0× 0.0512λ0. Simulation and experimental studies provide evidence that in the case of structural deformities such as bending and crumpling and also for human body loading, the suggested AMC integrated antenna is stable and shows superior efficiency relative to the traditional monopole antenna. Thus, to a large extent the antenna is stable to maintain its radiation properties. Furthermore, numerical analysis demonstrates maximum amount of the specific absorption rate (SAR) is 0.0832W/Kg according to IEEE standard safety guidelines. The advantage of the suggested AMC integrated antenna design is that it is resilient to moisture conditions and the enhancement in impedance bandwidth is achieved by simple cut edges in the radiator and the ground plane leading to simple staircase design. In addition, the simulation and measurement results are consistent, thus confirming it to be a promising contender for sensing and applications in body-centric wireless communications and Internet of Things.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)1
Nombre de pàgines1
RevistaIEEE Internet of Things Journal
Estat de la publicacióAcceptada/en premsa - 2022


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