Dynamics of organizational change and learning

J. J. Boonstra

Producció científica: Llibre


Realizing organizational change and innovation is a complex process. Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning is concerned with the behaviour of individuals, and the social processes in groups and organizations during the process of change. Leading authorities from 9 countries discuss the processes, problems, and successes of organizational change and learning, and offer critical reflections on the conventional wisdom of planned change. Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning combines proven knowledge and robust theories of organizational change and learning with new perspectives from social constructionism and postmodern organization theories. It will be a source of knowledge and inspiration for organizational professionals, management consultants, academics, and students.
Idioma originalAnglès
Nombre de pàgines512
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 d’abr. 2004


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