Disabled personages in the full-length films of Pixar animation studios (1995-2006)

Jaume Duran Castells, David Fonseca Escudero

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreContribució a congrés/conferènciaAvaluat per experts

1 Citació (Scopus)


Many of the different characters that appear in the computer animated movies of Pixar Animation Studios (nowadays belonging to The Walt Disney Company) are personages. From a dramaturgical point of view, these can be linked with the concept of Archetype, which Carl Gustav Jung used from the antiquity models of personality. The same types of personages appear in all times and in all cultures. The universal patterns make it possible for the experience to be shared in different histories. These patterns do not identify concrete idiosyncrasies, but they function as a temporary development in a story for the purpose of enriching of it. Another way of interpreting the personages of a narrative history is to consider them as complementary facets of the main character (the hero). As the history develops, the characteristics of these personages modify the personality of the future hero. The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of these complementary personages in the transformation of the main character and examine whether the presence of a disability is used to obtain this transformation. As we will see, not only do we find personages whose disability affects the development of the protagonist, but others that simply fulfill other secondary functions.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicació1st ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that Help Improving Access to Disabled Users, MSIADU'09, Co-located with the 2009 ACM International Conf. Multimedia, MM'09
Nombre de pàgines6
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2009
Esdeveniment1st ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that Help Improving Access to Disabled Users, MSIADU'09, Co-located with the 2009 ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM'09 - Beijing, China
Durada: 19 d’oct. 200924 d’oct. 2009

Sèrie de publicacions

Nom1st ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that Help Improving Access to Disabled Users, MSIADU'09, Co-located with the 2009 ACM International Conf. Multimedia,MM'09


Conferència1st ACM SIGMM International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that Help Improving Access to Disabled Users, MSIADU'09, Co-located with the 2009 ACM International Conference on Multimedia, MM'09


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