Digital Transformation and Teaching Innovation in Higher Education: A Case Study

Jessica Paños-Castro, Oihane Korres, Ignasi Iriondo, Josep Petchamé

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts


The digital maturity of universities has been a key element in coping with the forced situation brought about by COVID-19 and in subsequent years. This research paper presents a case study of a private Spanish university that aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities that have arisen after the pandemic in terms of resource management and training for teaching innovation and digitization. The nature of this study is qualitative, in which nine interviews were conducted with managers from different faculties and those responsible for Information and Communication Technologies. After analyzing the data with Atlas.ti, four categories were established (technological resources and devices, challenges, opportunities, and others). The study concludes by discussing the commitment to online training, the popularization of videoconferencing tools for teaching sessions, meetings, or synchronous tutorials, and the acceleration of digital transformation, among others.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article820
RevistaEducation Sciences
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - d’ag. 2024
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