Developing cross cultural competence in leaders & managers: Reflect, communicate & adapt

Simon Landau Dolan, Kawamura Kristine Marin

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


How to help organizations and people develop cross cultural skills and global competence? In many enterprises, managers are not learning from their environment and they are not adapting to the extraneous pressures of globalisation. In this conference, Dolan and Kawamura explained why individuals, organizations and institutions need to develop global competence, and proposed a 'Cross Cultural Competence Model for those who want to better understand the complexity of working and living in a cross cultural world or who want to improve their capabilities in cross cultural management to develop global competence in people and organizations.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 7 d’ag. 2015
Esdeveniment2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting -
Durada: 7 d’ag. 201512 d’ag. 2015


Conferència2015 Academy of Management Annual Meeting


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