Designing Games for GDPR: Negotiating Understandings of GDPR in EU Schools

Claus Witfelt, Emanuela Marchetti, Andrea Valente, Daniel Amo-Filva, Alicia García-Holgado, Lucia García-Holgado, Elisabetta Vidotto, Maria Elena Garzotto, Francisco José García-Peñalvo, David Fonseca, Tihomir Orehovacki, Marjan Krasna, Igor Pesek, Ivana Ruzic

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticle de conferènciaAvaluat per experts


In this study we combine a participatory design process with a citizen science framing, to foster a dialogue on GDPR in the school. We focus on the perspective of students, approaching them as co-researchers, in designing and evaluating a series of apps, aimed at spreading knowledge on GDPR. We have created a design space between secondary school students in Denmark and Italy, to gather insights across different countries. Results show that approaching students as designers and testers enabled them to provide honest and concrete insights on their experience with GDPR. We identified a detachment related to their posting activities, caused by how social media platforms (SoMe) challenge the boundaries between their personal and school-related ecologies.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)863-871
Nombre de pàgines9
RevistaProceedings of the European Conference on Games-based Learning
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2024
Esdeveniment18th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2024 - Aarhus, Denmark
Durada: 3 d’oct. 20244 d’oct. 2024


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