Design of Multiband Antenna Systems for Wireless Devices Using Antenna Boosters [Application Notes]

Jaume Anguera, Aurora Andujar, Guzman Mestre, Jussi Rahola, Jaakko Juntunen

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

17 Cites (Scopus)


Antennas play a significant role in the current everythingconnected era. From smartphones, to smart meters, to Internet of Things (IoT) devices, every wireless device needs at least one antenna to transmit and receive information. In response, the wireless industry is moving fast to launch new devices into this growing market. This is pushing RF/microwave and wireless engineers to design RF chains in a smart way using off-the-shelf components, such as filters, amplifiers, diplexers, and front-end modules. At the end of this RF chain, an antenna is needed to efficiently transmit/receive electromagnetic waves. Accordingly, an off-the-shelf antenna component would be an attractive option for simplifying the entire design processânot only the antenna-design phase but also the device-manufacturing process, reducing costs and creating compatibility with pick-and-place machines for mass production.

Idioma originalAnglès
Número d’article8894610
Pàgines (de-a)102-114
Nombre de pàgines13
RevistaIEEE Microwave Magazine
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - de des. 2019
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