Creating the bioartificial myocardium for cardiac repair: Challenges and clinical targets

Juan C. Chachques, Manuel Monleon Pradas, Antoni Bayes-Genis, Carlos Semino

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticle de revisió (sistemàtica)Avaluat per experts

20 Cites (Scopus)


The association of stem cells with tissue-engineered scaffolds constitutes an attractive approach for the repair of myocardial tissue with positive effects to avoid ventricular chamber dilatation, which changes from a natural elliptical to spherical shape in heart failure patients. Biohybrid scaffolds using nanomaterials combined with stem cells emerge as new therapeutic tool for the creation of 'bioartificial myocardium' and 'cardiac wrap bioprostheses' for myocardial regeneration and ventricular support. Biohybrids are created introducing stem cells and self-assembling peptide nanofibers inside a porous elastomeric membrane, forming cell niches. Our studies lead to the creation of semi-degradable 'ventricular support bioprostheses' for adaptative LV and/or RV wrapping, designed with the concept of 'helical myocardial bands'. The goal is to restore LV elliptical shape, and contribute to systolic contraction and diastolic filling (suction mechanism). Cardiac wrapping with ventricular bioprostheses may reduce the risk of heart failure progression and the indication for heart transplantation.

Idioma originalAnglès
Pàgines (de-a)1701-1711
Nombre de pàgines11
RevistaExpert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2013


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