Constrained clipping for peak power reduction of multicarrier systems by tone reservation

Marc Deumal, Ali Behravan, Thomas Eriksson, Joan Lluís Pijoan

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreContribució a congrés/conferènciaAvaluat per experts

9 Cites (Scopus)


In this paper we introduce a new method to limit the peak factor of a multicarrier signal based on tone reservation. A peak-reducing signal is computed by clipping the original OFDM symbol. The peak-reducing signal is forced to have the constraints of tone reservation, so that when added to the original signal, the peak factor is reduced without increasing the BER and the out-of-band radiation. The proposed method has low computational complexity requirements and is fast-converging. Moreover, simulation results show that it has higher PAPR-reduction capabilities than other PAPR-reducing methods based on TR in the literature.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicació2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC2007-Spring
Nombre de pàgines5
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2007
Esdeveniment2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC2007-Spring - Dublin, Ireland
Durada: 22 d’abr. 200725 d’abr. 2007

Sèrie de publicacions

NomIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
ISSN (imprès)1550-2252


Conferència2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference - VTC2007-Spring


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