Connecting open and closed innovation markets: A typology intermediaries

Henry Nelson López Vega, Wim Vanhaverbeke

Producció científica: Document de treball


Open Innovation embraces the process of cultivating and internalizing value from opportunities external to the firm, as well as the skilful deployment of internal discoveries to external complements. For a subset of open innovation practice, well-known innovation intermediaries such as InnoCentive and NineSigma can help transgress the boundaries between open and closed innovation markets. Moreover, less publicised forms of intermediation exist, representing consultants, incubators and science and technology parks that further complement innovative practice. Based on an exploratory cross-case analysis, this study enhances our understanding of the operational practices of innovation intermediaries. We develop a theoretical typology that anchors the formulation of generalizable propositions concerning the function and business logic of predominant innovation intermediary types. Implications for management are considered.
Idioma originalAnglès
Lloc de publicacióMunich, DE
Nombre de pàgines36
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de nov. 2010
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