Collaborative revision: Helping university students find their voice when writing their undergraduate dissertation or Master Thesis

Montserrat Castelló Badia, Ana Iñesta Codina

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


In this presentation the authors' approach to academic writing is outlined by presenting two educational interventions implemented in different academic communities: Psychology and the Management Sciences. In both contexts, students had to write academic research papers as an academic practice. This implies that students were considered as being able to think and act as researchers and at the same time to appropriately communicate the results of their research in the specific genre of the academic research paper. In both educational interventions students were asked to produce a text that resembled a scientific research paper as much as possible. Actually, our students were even encouraged to submit their final texts to a scientific journal in Psychology or Management once revised and edited by the tutor who in most cases appeared as the second author. Obviously, not all students will take this final step but this educational intervention was the context where they developed the competences necessary to progress towards such an attempt in the near future.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 6 d’abr. 2011
EsdevenimentConference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) 2011 -
Durada: 6 d’abr. 20118 d’abr. 2011


ConferènciaConference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) 2011


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