Chinese management research in Europe (PDW)

Ingmar Björkman, Simon Landau Dolan, Carl Fey, Joaquin López, Jan Selmer, Yingying Zhang Zhang

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


This professional development workshop is designed for promoting Chinese Management Research in Europe and explaining to others about European perspectives on Chinese Management Research. The workshop will be interactive and both faculty members and doctoral students are warmly welcomed to attend the workshop. While all are welcomed, people affiliated with a European University or interested in interacting with scholars from European universities are especially urged to attend. The workshop will consist of several brief presentations followed by small groups discussions to facilitate dynamic conversations.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 16 de juny 2010
Esdeveniment2010 IACMR Conference -
Durada: 16 de juny 201020 de juny 2010


Conferència2010 IACMR Conference


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