Chinese investment in Europe 2018

Producció científica: LlibreInforme oficial


The fourth edition of the ESADE China Europe report is divided into two main parts. Part I, of a more general nature, analyses the current state of the Chinese economy, in the throes of a change of model that is not without its risks, most importantly a high level of public debt. This part also contains in-depth analysis of two considerations that are key to understanding the China of today and tomorrow: the role of the Asian country as a leader of globalisation, and how it has developed with regard to its technological and innovative capabilities. In Part II, analysis is made of Chinese investment in Europe, drawing on the ESADE China Europe database. The trends observed point to investment with an increasing focus on technology and a particular interest in the major European economies and, to a lesser extent, southern Europe. This second part also explores the potential effects on Europe of the restrictions on capital outflow introduced by the Chinese government in the period 2016-2017. Finally, the report reflects on the implications of the rise in protectionist pressures in the European Union, insofar as they may affect the EU's investment relations with China.
Idioma originalAnglès
Nombre de pàgines23
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 1 de maig 2018


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