Chinese investment in Europe 2014

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The ESADE study looks at the attractiveness of the European market for Chinese companies and the role of Spain as a gateway to the European market. China today is the motor of the world economy and has surpassed Germany and Japan in terms of GDP. Clearly, the growth of China's economic power has had a major effect on economic and business relations between China and Europe. Both exports and imports between Europe and China have multiplied and the two regions have become priority business partners. But, if we look at direct investment, the presence of Chinese firms in Europe is a new phenomenon. However it is growing rapidly. We would like to ask three questions. 1) Is internationalization of companies a priority in China's economic development model? 2) If it is, is the European Union one of the main target destinations for Chinese multinationals' 3) and in this context, Is Spain an attractive market for Chinese companies?
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 25 de set. 2014
EsdevenimentChina & Europe: Chinese companies going global, Beijing 2014 -
Durada: 25 de set. 201425 de set. 2014


ConferènciaChina & Europe: Chinese companies going global, Beijing 2014


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