Challenging what's mainstream: Displacing the center of gravity in creative industries

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


How could firms challenge established norms and conventions in an industry, creating a new context that displaces the existing center of gravity? What are the motivations that lead firms to challenge what's mainstream, changing the competitive setting that provides value to certain resources and capabilities? And, what are the mechanisms that they use? These are questions that have critical importance for both, companies that own the valuable resources and capabilities that allow them to occupy the core of an industry - representing its center of gravity - as well as for those who aspire to change the establishment, creating a new center of gravity that provide higher value to alternative resources and capabilities that either they are developing or have under their control, to gain power over that space.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 10 de jul. 2008
Esdeveniment24th EGOS Colloquium -
Durada: 10 de juny 200812 de jul. 2008


Conferència24th EGOS Colloquium


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