Cómo implementar el modelo centrado en la familia en la intervención temprana

Mariona Dalmau, Anna Balcells-Balcells, Climent Giné, Margarita Cañadas, Olga Casas, Yolanda Salat, Verònica Farré, Núria Calaf

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

35 Cites (Scopus)


From the results of a research aimed at improving the quality of life of families with a child with intellectual disability, the purpose of this paper is to provide a methodology for the implementation of the family-centered model in early childhood intervention centers in our country. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the collected data allow us to systematize the steps or stages that would be necessary to provide professionals and families in early intervention centers with useful tools to empower the families and to enhance the children’s development. This article represents another step further from the proposals made by other researchers in other countries with different traditions and culture in the field of early intervention, and intends to reflect the characteristics of our country in terms of the history and the path of early intervention in recent decades.

Títol traduït de la contribucióHow to implement the family-centered model in early intervention
Idioma originalCastellà
Pàgines (de-a)641-651
Nombre de pàgines11
RevistaAnales de Psicologia
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2017


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