Brand and reputation building through persuasive stakeholders management

Josep M. Oroval Planas

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The case we are presenting shows how a strategy based only on efficiency may interest the shareholders in the short term but has negative effects on customers and employees. While taking into account the interest, demands and expectations of customers and employees is a more sustainable strategy for the company. The case also shows that shareholders can be persuaded that such a sustainable strategy may be also more profitable for them in the long term. To be able to persuade shareholders you need two things: Metrics, long term indicators of brand and reputation.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 18 de maig 2011
Esdeveniment15th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness (2011) -
Durada: 18 de maig 201120 de maig 2011


Conferència15th International Conference on Corporate Reputation, Brand, Identity and Competitiveness (2011)


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