Automated power-line filter design under high 50-Hz current load conditions

Albert Miquel Sánchez, Joan Ramon Regué, Miquel Ribó, Antonio Pérez, Pablo Rodríguez-Cepeda, Francisco Javier Pajares

    Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts

    5 Cites (Scopus)


    In this paper, a complete new methodology for the automated design of power-line filters is presented and tested. It is based on rigorous characterizations of power-line-filter components, devices under test, and line-impedance stabilization networks (or power-line networks) by means of S-parameter and interference measurements. The implemented automated design tool is able to find an optimal power-line filter for a given device under test under constraints such as cost or number of components, drastically reducing the design time as compared to the usual trial-and-error practice. Since the features of common-mode chokes are highly dependent on the 50-Hz current levels flowing through them, a measurement system of common-mode chokes under 50-Hz load conditions has also been developed and tested in order to complement the automated design tool. The whole system has been successfully validated by means of experimental measurements.

    Idioma originalAnglès
    Número d’article6357236
    Pàgines (de-a)717-724
    Nombre de pàgines8
    RevistaIEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility
    Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2013


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