Architectural geo-E-learning geolocated teaching in urban environments with mobile devices: A case study and work in progress

Ernest Redondo, Albert Sánchez Riera, David Fonseca, Alberto Peredo

Producció científica: Capítol de llibreContribució a congrés/conferènciaAvaluat per experts

9 Cites (Scopus)


This work addresses the implementation of a mobile Augmented Reality (AR) browser on educational environments. We seek to analyze new educational tools and methodologies, non-traditional, to improve students' academic performance, commitment and motivation. The basis of our claim lies in the skills improvement that students can achieve thanks to their innate affinity to digital media features of new Smartphones. We worked under the Layar platform for mobile devices to create virtual information channels through a database associated to 3D virtual models and any other type of media content. The teaching experience was carried out with Master Architecture students, and developed in two subjects focused on the use of ICT and Urban Design. We call it Geo-elearning because of the use of new eLearning strategies and methodologies that incorporate geolocation, allowing receiving, sharing, and evaluate own-generated student's proposals, on site.

Idioma originalAnglès
Títol de la publicacióVirtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
Subtítol de la publicacióSystems and Applications - 5th International Conference, VAMR 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, Proceedings
EditorSpringer Verlag
Nombre de pàgines10
EdicióPART 2
ISBN (imprès)9783642394195
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 2013
Esdeveniment5th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Designing and Developing Augmented and Virtual Environments, VAMR 2013, Held as Part of 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2013 - Las Vegas, NV, United States
Durada: 21 de jul. 201326 de jul. 2013

Sèrie de publicacions

NomLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
NombrePART 2
Volum8022 LNCS
ISSN (imprès)0302-9743
ISSN (electrònic)1611-3349


Conferència5th International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Designing and Developing Augmented and Virtual Environments, VAMR 2013, Held as Part of 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2013
País/TerritoriUnited States
CiutatLas Vegas, NV


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