Aprendizaje-Servicio en educación física: un modelo de implementación en educación superior

Producció científica: Article en revista indexadaArticleAvaluat per experts


The purpose of this experience is to show an implementation model for teaching methodology about Service Learning (SL) to improve the teacher training in Primary Education degree in Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sports Sci-ences. Particularly, in these paper we present the SL method to show the conve-nience to develop teaching skills related to learning skills, such as teamwork or in-novation, and personal development skills, such as respect for social differences or community responsibility. These teaching skills are presented by the Framework for 21st Century Learning (Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2019) and it’s strong connected with the mission that the university must develop in relation to responsi-bility and social commitment. This experience focuses on students from the com-pulsory subject “Education through body and movement”, for all student in 1st year. They design didactic Physical Education proposals with inclusive and cooperative principles, both from their theoretical and practice foundamentation. The activities design is supervised by university and the institution which receives service: Institut Guttmann hospital. Finally, these activities are implemented in the hospital facilities with ordinary primary schools and children with poor mobility (wheelchair) and some functional diversity . The conclusions and evaluations SL from university students are positive, thus offering an enriching experience to improve our future teachers person-ality and professionalism.
Títol traduït de la contribucióService learning in physical education: implementation model in high education
Idioma originalCastellà
Pàgines (de-a)114-123
Nombre de pàgines10
RevistaRevista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 26 de febr. 2020


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