An exploratory study of the impact of work status on workplace engagement, well-being and accident proneness

Miriam Díez Piñol, Scott William Moodie

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


This paper presents the findings of the first part of a two-stage study examining the relationship between work status and engagement as well as burnout among Catalan nurses. The study is exploratory in nature. It explores the specific links between work status (i.e. different working schedules of the nurses) and its impact on the respective levels of engagement and burnout. In addition, the relationship between worker status and self-rated health as well as nurse¿s propensity to be involved in work accidents was tested. The broader model which is not reported herein also incorporates variables connected with personal resources and job demands as well as values incongruence, all of which assist in predicting the outcomes specified above.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 21 de maig 2009
Esdeveniment7th International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Murcia 2009 -
Durada: 21 de maig 200922 de maig 2009


Conferència7th International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Murcia 2009


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