Algunas consideraciones sobre la transposición del "Paquete de energía limpia para todos los europeos" en relación con las comunidades energéticas

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


Two of its eight legislative texts, Directive (EU) 2019/944 on the internal electricity market and Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on renewables, contain definitions of the energy community, which are similar but not identical. The energy community is a way to organize citizens who want to cooperate in an activity related to the energy sector, based on a democratic model of governance. Its purpose is to provide energy services or other benefits to members of the local community. It represents a different way of understanding business, socially innovative, committed to economic activity without business objectives. The purpose of this communication is to explore a possible transposition by member states that lead to a harmonious result between the two definitions of community, "the energy community of citizens" and "the renewable community," with a view to its maximum effectiveness.
Idioma originalCastellà
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 28 de nov. 2019
EsdevenimentCongreso UNIJES-2019. Retos del Derecho ante un mundo global: Algunas consideraciones sobre la transposición del "Paquete de energía limpia para todos los europeos" en relación con las comunidades energéticas - Bilbao, Spain
Durada: 28 de nov. 201928 de nov. 2019


ConferènciaCongreso UNIJES-2019. Retos del Derecho ante un mundo global

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