A comparative analysis of the use of work life balance practice in Europe: Do practice enhance gender diversity?

Caroline Straub

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


The objectives of this study are: to identify and compare companies' involvement with work-life balance practices and policies in 14 European countries, and to test whether these practices actually enhance the career advancement of women to senior management positions. A comparative descriptive analysis shows differences in work-life balance practices and policies and women's participation in the workforce between countries. In order to test whether work-life balance practices and policies enhance the career advancement of women to senior management positions a multiple regression analysis is performed. There are certain differences in the provision of work-life balance practices and women's participation in the labour force among European companies. A positive influence of work-life balance policies and practices on women's career advancement into senior management positions was confirmed in only one case - the payment of an additional amount for maternity leave. All other practices were shown to have no significant impact or a significant negative relationship. An interesting issue is whether work-life balance practices and policies help remove the glass ceiling. There has been little research on the impact of work-life balance practices and policies on women's career advancement. This study attempts to redress this dearth by examining the role of work-life balance practices and policies on women's career advancement.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 17 de maig 2006
Publicat externament
Esdeveniment6th EURAM Annual Conference 2006 -
Durada: 1 de maig 200620 de maig 2006


Conferència6th EURAM Annual Conference 2006


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