A business model for creative freedom: Insights from the case of Ferran Adrià

M. Planellas Arán, S. Svejenova Velikova, L. Vives

Producció científica: Contribució a una conferènciaContribució


How do entrepreneurs establish and sustain successful business models that help them realize their passion? This article advances understanding of business model dynamics in talent-based, creativity-driven ventures, triggered by a quest for creative freedom. It traces how critical elements of a renowned Spanish chef's business model are conceived and change in nature and organization over a twenty-five-year period, from 1983 until present. Our study reveals four stages: (1) discovering a passion and learning the profession; (2) achieving a distinctive competence and reputation; (3) earning revenues by leveraging competence and reputation, and (4) reaching out to other fields and society.
Idioma originalAnglès
Estat de la publicacióPublicada - 15 de des. 2008
EsdevenimentLong Range Planning Conference - Special Issue on Business Models, London 2008 -
Durada: 15 de des. 200817 de des. 2008


ConferènciaLong Range Planning Conference - Special Issue on Business Models, London 2008


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