The 3E Model for a restorative Justice Strategy in europe

  • Giménez-salinas Colomer, Esther (PI)

Projecte: Ajuts a projectesRecerca

Detalls del projecte


During the last years, Restorative Justice (RJ) has been developed rapidly as both a theoretical and practical perspective. RJ has further been evolved around the concept of Mediation both in legislation and actual situation of many different Criminal Justice Systems. But while in some countries relevant legislation provides for formal recognition and implementation of mediation, in others, even if there is not still in place a detailed legal base, the practical experience acquired over the years has helped RJ to gain credibility.

Moreover, these countries have developed different strategies to foster the implementation of RJ and to face the difficulties encountered. Indeed, RJ developments in Europe are highly dynamic. Within this frame, the project with the title: “The 3E Model for a Restorative Justice Strategy in Europe” and full subtitle: “The geographic distribution of Restorative Justice in 11 European Countries and the configuration of an Effective – Economic – European Strategy Model for its further diffusion (hereinafter the “3E-RJ MODEL” project)” was composed by two main branches, aiming at the development of a Restorative Justice response to crime in 11 European countries:
a) a comparative study of 11 European countries from the North (Finland, Denmark), Western Central (Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands), Eastern Central (Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria) and South (Spain, Greece, Turkey) Europe and
b) a relevant project aiming at the organization of a coherent strategy, the identification and the diffusion of effective measures and procedures and the exchange of good and low-budget practices through a flexible and easily applicable Model, for their wider adoption and their better appliance in Europe.
Acrònim3E-RJ MODEL
Data efectiva d'inici i finalització1/04/1131/03/13


  • European Union: 1.782.800,00 €


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