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Calculat sobre la base del núm. de les publicacions emmagatzemades a Pure i cites de Scopus
Calculat sobre la base del núm. de les publicacions emmagatzemades a Pure i cites de Scopus

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Perfil personal

Interessos principals de recerca

My primary area of research is open source software development. The theoretical issues driving my research include the dynamics of learning and organizing in open source collectives, material agency, digital and open innovation, and algorithmic work.

Prior to joining ESADE Business School, I was Reader of Digital Innovation at King’s College London. At King's I designed and was Programme Director of the MSc Digital Economy. Prior to King's I was an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Warwick Business School. At the latter school I was course director of the main IS programme, MSc MISDI and organised research seminars where top IS scholars were invited to present and discuss their work. I hold a PhD in Information Systems from the LSE.

My past affiliations include the LSE with a joint appointment with LERO Research Centre in Limerick, Ireland, as well as Imperial College Business School. I am a founding member of the AIS Special Interest Group on Open Research and Practice. I serve as AE for different tracks for ICIS and ECIS conferences, and AE for the OCIS Division for the AOM conference. I was an elected international representative at large for the OCIS division for the Academy of Management (AOM) – 2016-2019. I was also an Associate Editor for Information Systems Research (ISR) – 2018-2021.

Along with these roles I am currently an Associate Editor for MISQ and an editorial board member for the Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and Information and Organisation. Warwick Business School awarded me for "Outstanding Contribution to Research" in 2016-2017, and “Outstanding Contribution to Teaching” in 2017-2018. And, in 2019 I received an Associate Editor of the Year Award from ISR.

Experiència relacionada amb els SDG de les Nacions Unides

El 2015, els estats membres de l’ONU van acordar 17 objectius globals de desenvolupament sostenible (SDG) per acabar amb la pobresa, protegir el planeta i garantir la prosperitat per a tothom. El treball d'aquesta persona contribueix als següents SDG:

  • ODS 9 - Indústria, innovació i infraestructures


Consulta els temes de recerca on Maha Shaikh està actiu. Aquestes etiquetes temàtiques provenen de treballs d’aquesta persona. Junts formen un fingerprint únic.
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